Maintaining our Community
The Highway Department, located on Industrial Road, operates Monday – Friday 7:00 am to 3:30 pm and is supervised by the Public Works Superintendent Randy Kreider at 717-939-6204. The Highway Department is responsible for the maintenance of all Borough Streets and Alleys as well as State Route 230 (Second Street). The Highway Department is also responsible for snow removal, repairing potholes, street sweeping, and leaf collection as well as the general maintenance and upkeep of the borough building, borough parks, and playground areas.
The Highway Department is also responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the Compost Facility. The Compost Facility serves as a recycling area for Highspire Residents to drop off their woody waste and leaves, no grass clippings will be accepted.
The compost facility is open to all Residents of Highspire Only every Wednesday from 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm, accept for holidays, non-residents and commercial entities will not have access to this facility. A permit is required and can be purchased at the borough office during regular business hours. The fees are as follows: $20.00 per year and $25.00 per load for curbside pickup for permit holders only. All fees are required to be paid in advance. Residents must show their permit, photo ID and proof of address during drop off. Please contact Randy Kreider at 717-939-6204 with any questions.