Borough Office

Welcome to the Borough Building

The Highspire Borough building is located at 640 Eshelman Street and houses the Administrative Offices and The Police Department. This is also where Borough Workshops and Council meetings are held. Click here for schedules.

Incorporated as a Borough under the Pennsylvania Borough Code, Highspire is governed by the Council-Mayor form of government.  Council appoints a Borough Manager to handle the day-to-day operations.

Borough Office hours are Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Capital Blue Cross

Please click on the link below to view Highspire’ s group health plans.  This is available through the Transparency in Coverage Rule issued by the Federal Government which requires health insurers and group health plans to provide detailed pricing data for all covered items and services to the public in the form of a Machine Readable File.

Leaf Collection

Leaf Collection is normally held last week of October until the first forecasted snow fall. Information regarding current leaf collection can be found in the fall newsletter.

Refuse Collection

Republic Services is the contracted waste hauler for the Borough. Waste pickup is on Fridays. Please have all refuse and recycling items out for pickup by 5:00 AM on the scheduled day. If the scheduled pickup day falls on or after a holiday your refuse will be collected on the next business day including Saturday. Republic Services observes the following holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Items not available for pickup include construction material and any hazardous materials.

Right To Know

The Borough’s Right To Know Officer is Debbie H. Ebersole. Please click on the following links regarding a Right To Know Request. PA Right To Know Law, Highspire Borough’s Records PolicyRight To Know Request FormOpen Records Fee Structure.

For more information go to

Request Records

Requests for records must be addressed to the Agency Open Records Officer and can be submitted by email, fax, mail, or in person.  The request should be specific and not seek answers to questions. After filing a request, a response will be issued within 5 business days.

Highspire’ s Open Records Officer is:

Debbie H. Ebersole
Borough of Highspire
640 Eshelman Street
Highspire, PA  17034
Phone: 717-939-3303
Fax: 717-939-3371

File an Appeal

 When a request is denied or deemed denial, a requester may file an appeal to the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records.  The appeal must be filed within 15 business days of the denial or deemed denial date.  The appeal must also include the request, agency denial if one exists, and address agency grounds that the request was denied.  An appeals officer will determine if the record(s) is subject to public access.

 An appeal may be filed to the Office of Open Records via its Online Appeal Form, email, fax, or in person at:

Office of Open Records
333 Market Street, 16th Floor
Harrisburg, PA  17101-2234
Phone: 717-346-9903
Fax: 717-425-5343

Public Notices

The Borough occasionally has to place public notices in newspapers of general circulation. Such as meeting notices, budgets, proposed ordinances, etc. The Borough generally publishes such notices in the Patriot News.

Street Sweeping

Street Sweeping is normally completed once in the spring and once in the fall. Streets are posted with “NO PARKING” signs and cones the day before they are to be cleaned. Please be considerate and do not park on the posted streets. Tickets will be issued to those who park on the posted streets the morning of the street sweeping.

Snow Removal

As snow starts to fall, Second Street, Lumber Street, and the “Trouble Spots” are salted and cindered first. The snow combines with the salt to form a brine slush that is left on the road surface until it accumulates enough to warrant plowing. Without the salt, traffic would compact the snow into a frozen layer that a plow cannot lift up and remove. Second and Lumber Street are plowed first because they are the Borough’s two major roads. The Borough usually has three trucks plowing and will use all three in a plow train to clear Second Street in one pass in each direction. After Second Street is cleared, two trucks will plow Lumber Street while the third truck make sure all snow is plowed back to the curb along Rt. 230.

Each truck will then head to their respective plowing areas, concentrating on clearing the hills and larger roads first. The three plowing areas are: 1. The Hill Section, North of Second Street from Race Street to Lumber Street; 2. The Lower East End of Town, both sides of Second Street from Memorial Park eastward; 3. Cow Town and Market Street Ext., near the grain mill and also the area between High Street and Rosedale Ave. Crews also keep the Firehouse and Municipal Building plowed and all Borough owned sidewalks cleared. Please keep in mind that crews are instructed to plow back to the curb wherever possible for everyone’s safety. The reason being that the Borough’s streets may become dangerously narrow with each successive snowfall making it difficult or impossible for Fire, Police, or Ambulance to reach you in an emergency.